Anti Aging Treatments in Mumbai

Anti-aging Treatment Doctors in Mumbai

An injection is held by a woman in a skin care facility to signify the dermal filter treatment.
Dermal Filler Treatment

Dermal fillers are popular for shaping the face, reducing wrinkles, and improving sagging skin. We use the latest FDA-approved dermal fillers to treat and enhance various areas of the face.

A woman receiving thread lift treatment at a skin care facility has an arrow drawn across her face.
Thread Lifting Treatment

Facial tissues can sag and lose volume as we age, affecting our appearance. Traditional surgery offers long-lasting results, but non-surgical options like thread lifts, fillers, and Botulinum toxins are also effective. A thread lift is a minimally invasive procedure in the doctor's office

A woman has an arrow painted across her neck as she undergoes a face-neck lift procedure.
Face & Neck Lift Treatments

A neck lift is a medical procedure designed to improve and enhance the appearance of the jawline and neck—the neck commonly ages with the face. To create a youthful appearance, one must often address the other. Neck problems may include necklines, excess neck fat, neckbands, and loose skin, creating a poorly defined jawline.

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